Consitution and ByLaws
Church Policies
Trinity Lutheran is not responsible for personal items that are lost or stolen while you are in the church or on church property. While we do our best to help by locking doors, we need your help to ensure the safety of your purses, cameras, etc. Likewise, gifts that are brought to the wedding are not the responsibility of the church. Someone should be in charge of the gifts and other personal items at all times.
Couples are expected to adhere to Trinity’s Facility Use Policy that outlines the use of the church facility. A signed copy will be necessary at the time of securing the date.
The use of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs on the church grounds or premises is strictly prohibited. Smoking is only allowed outside; please extinguish your cigarette in the appropriate receptacle located outside the church.
The Alter Cloths and Banners coincide with the church calendar and will not be changed for wedding ceremonies. Keep in mind that for most of the summer the altar is dressed in green. Call the church office to inquire about the color of the paraments and vestments for specific dates.
Church Seating:
The sanctuary seats 200 comfortably. **Expect changes during Covid-19 pandemic. Masks suggested for unvaccinated people for all weddings. Pastor will discuss this with you while planning for your service.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at office@tlcwalford.com or call the church at 319-845-2636.